Sweet Potato

Tuesday 26 March 2013 | 05:47 | 0 Atasinchi
hey peeps , ! wanna share about my class , ARCHIMEDES :)

our super freaking awesome class monitor :) , johorian boy , what else ? hmm , I donno him very well , soft spoken person , quite , lots of stalker maybe ,,? named , ARSHAAD

woahh , yeayh ! our batch leader , so many many many and many stalker ? smart , always smile and always been interrupted by CECHAA :) , don't you think he is a little cute , ? wait a minute , he is in the black-yellow shirt , sufefu ~

 afiq , yeayh , quite person i think , expert in addmaths perhaps ? hm , i donno him well but she is kind hearted boy , isn't he ? okay , move on ~
jeng jeng , dhuranni , a ver very very patience boy i ever seen , people always said that he is in love with CECHAA , how far this love is going on ? only both of them know :)
feww ~ our traditional dancer in our class , currently he is in korea , woah ~ , once again , i donno him well , but others said that he is warm and kind hearted , just a quite person in class ,
our ex class monitor , hmm , nothing much to say , same thing goes to him , i donno him well ~ , perhaps later :)
yeayhh ! this guy , my WAR PARTNER , it seems that we didn't get along well , like ISRAEL and PALESTIN , yeayh! people said that he is cute sometime , but for me ? how can i say someone that always make my heart burn as " CUTE " , maybe someday after i had loss my mind ~ :)
aww aww ~ flower boy next door perhaps , haha , he love to try make a war with ATIQAH ZUHRAN which is so sweet ~ i donno about both of the , but , this looks so sweet , based on the picture , didn't you think he is pretty ? :D *sigh*
then , yeayy ! hanani , or nani , or anak rusa nani , white milky skin , always in a bad mood , hehe , then , already be taken , her wish is to wear braces , crazy wish :D

wuu , like an italian girl , with that freaking hot hat ! aha , she is najihah , jihah , my physics mentor , wanna know more about physics ? go to my class and ask this most beauty phsics teacher , wait a minute ! no , the only one that is pretty only me , she is second :D

most annoyed girl in my class , feww ~ btw , she is ana , katik , haha , realy really really short girl ,  very short like chicken :D , she is BADAR , haa , don't play play , she will give you "ceramah" , like ustaz azhar idrus :) , she is in the pink , not in that purple , yang tu , my HONEY , ahaha ,

tiqah zuhran , my war partner , always come to my house , shout my name like i am a deaf person , go to my room and suddenly switch off the light ,  her hobby maybe --' , she is lovely , and i love her :) , that's it

siti nur khairunnisa' , call her cechaa , she once said like this " aku suke bile ustaz2 panggil name aku , nmpa mcm orang beriman" , haha , k , already be taken by "boy like ustaz" in kelantan , she is nice and open minded , always laughing and i love her personality , lots of scandal in the class !
nisahhh nisahh nisahh ! yeayh , my love , my lord ! she is BADAR same like ana , she always give us and me advice , cool and love to hear old love song , yeayy ~ already be taken , :) love you nisah !
she is ilmi hayyani , call her ilmi , johorian girl , same like my class monitor :'( , she is quite , hmm , not very quite because she always hear "something" , haha , check her tudung and you will know that , yiiippii !
she was in all girls school before , hmm , sadlife ~ , ahah , i love you syang :)

ainatul mahirah ! sweet name like the person , i love be firend with her , nothing much more to say , you are mine ! , haha , i love you ~

fazuu ! yeayyy ! my translator , we are planing to match up my brother with her sister so that we can go out shopping together ! haha , yeayyy ! master in BI , hmm , i love her , she is sleeping beauty in my class , ehh no ! sleeping beauty number 2 because i am number 1 , :)
waaaa ! my dearr ! she is in the purple shawl , sooooooooo cute , she is very very sepet , ver very , no jokes , haha , hmm , what's more ? she is sensitive , but she just cute the way she is :)

jeng jeng , borhan , already been taken , rugby player , love red letter too much maybe , hmm , nothing much more to say , i donno him well ~
syafiq ! our prefect , look at the picture , like TITANIC huh ? you jump i jump perhaps , yeayh ! i love his personality , i donno why , but i love the way he had been , alive and cheerful , so proud of "KAJANG"  i wondered if he got study oversea , haha , btw, he is a nice person :)
iwan , yeayh , our cutie *they said like that,, not me* , people said he already been taken , i donno , hmm , you know what , he is like a cinderella , boy version , when i saw him , it's like i saw a cinderella in front of me , lalalalala~ btw , he is just nice :)
and , weeee ~ this is me , wondering about boys in my class , i really donno them well , , i jus love the way they are :)

The Most Precious Time Is When I Say You For The First Time , And I Hope We Will Stay Together As One ! SPM Victims :)
yeayyy ! lepas 2 malam , baru siap , btw , sorry curi gmba , !

Friday 1 March 2013 | 17:23 | 0 Atasinchi
hey peeps ! *wink*

brand new of me right ? aha ! let's start our story !


hari rabu hari tu , ade appoinment , so then , start app pkol 9 smpai pkol 11 , it's a damn much annoying when you realise yang kne bukak mulut for 2 hour ? thanks to my MP i didn;t felt to bored , :D
then , doktor bgtau pasal itu ini and cara berus gigi , and i got a new toothbrush ! yeayy ! beautiful yet a unique one ! :D 

lepas tu petang balik hostel , mase tu x rase lg sakit kat gigi , smpai la hari besok , ah ! malam tu mase prep , aku x dduk senyap pon , ade je mnde nak buat , menanyi nyanyi lah , joget joget lah , seronok ohh ~
okay , tamat cite pasal prep , then pagi tu , dalam pkol 4 rasa sakit sangat sngat , at that moment aku mnges , kay tak tipu aku mngis , sumpah sakit sngat

smpai skolah , then aku senyap , tak cakap apa apa dengan mood yang dah spoil pagi pagi , nie ayat TIQAH ZUHRAN : "rasa lain tengok azrin senyap " , nampak tak kat situ ? aaha !
then , masa perhimpunan pagi , aku x jain , rasa mmg nak demam dah time tu , sampai kelas , masa MATH MODE , pmbentangan group CECHAA , aku x ta da ape yang die ckp masa pmbentangan , and langsung ak x paham , :) masa tu ARMI pegang dahi aku then dia tanya " azrin , demam ke? rasa panas nie" , thanks to my caring ARMI , 

lepas habis masa math , armi teman aku g bilik sakit , time tu sumpah sakit sngat , ececehh ayat simpat :D
so spanjang hari tu , aku x masuk klas , smpai habes , tapi aku punye sakit skejap je , sehari je , nmpak x antibodi kuat di situ ? aha , yeayhh ! 

nie bukan aku punye :D tapi mcm ni la my very first colur of bracess , :D

P/s : tade kaitan pon , tapi lately nie ak ade tgok sorang mamat paling annoying slm klas aku , suke cari gadoh dgan aku , dude , keep your mouth shut ! i'm not a patience person !

Wednesday 6 February 2013 | 19:44 | 0 Atasinchi
teruja da lame x update bloh , yuhuu ~!

sekarang ada kat rumah bersenang lenang tak pergi sekolah , i'm suck with RING in my teeth , sakit tahu ? nasib doktor smlm hnsem dan menawan , 

first of all , HAPPY BIRTHDAY A-AI , sorry for the late wish , sumpah aku tlupe birthday kau 14.01 or 24.01 and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AIMI, miss you sayang , lame x jumpe , btw , aku ade post dekat twitter ko kan ? have a sweet SEVENTEEN for both of you <3

seriously sebenanye aku x tau ape function aku tulis mnde nie sebenanye , tapi rase rndu nak update blog , :)  

                                                                                 -TILL THEN -


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